OPEN CALL ReLiepāja rezidenču programmai
Mēs aicinām projekta laikā izmantot AI.
Dizains, māksla un AI - tā ir vieta jauniem eksperimentiem, iespējām un limitu paplašināšanai. Vieta inovācijām un iespējams neizpētīts laukums jauna radīšanai.
Ilgums? Rezidenču programma ilgs vienu mēnesi, pirmās trīs nedēļas ir veltītas studijas laikam, pētniecībai un tiešsaistes darbu radīšana. Pēdējā nedēļa ir paredzēta prezentācijai.
Tikšanās? Reizi nedēļā obligātā tikšanās ar mentoru. Parējā laikā grupas individuālais darbs.
Valoda? Latviešu/Angļu
Tiks uzņemtas 5 grupas, ne vairāk kā 30 cilvēki.
TĒMA: The future of paper is here
Katrs projektā iesaistītais dalībnieks arī sniegs interviju par savu darbu.
Rezidence izsludina pieteikšanos līdz 15.12.2024. plkst.20.00. pēc Latvijas laika.
Lai pieteiktos rezidencei, aizpildi anketu:
ReLeipāja is pleased to announce the OPEN CALL for our online residency programme, developed in collaboration with the Latvian Designers' Society and the Centre for Cultural Movement.
The residency programme is a virtual space for artists and designers to explore and create their work. The added value is to build international communities and to dedicate time and space to experiment with something new in groups of 4 to 6 people.
We encourage the use of AI during the project.
Design, art and AI is a space for new experiments, possibilities and pushing the limits. A place for innovation and possibly an unexplored area for creating something new.
Duration? The residency programme will last one month, the first three weeks are dedicated to studio time, research and the creation of online works. The last week is dedicated to the presentation.
Meetings? Once a week, a mandatory meeting with the mentor. At other times, individual group work.
Language? Latvian/English
5 groups will be accepted, maximum 30 people.
Each participant in the project will also give an interview about their work.
THEMA: The future of paper is here
The residency is open for applications until 15.12.2024 at 20.00. Latvian time.
To apply for the residency, please fill in the form: